Tuesday, March 27, 2007
In Memoriam....
Posted by Lisa at 6:50 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 22, 2007
The "Baldwin" sisters strike again....
Shawna and I realized we have not done anything together for over 17 years so we left the kids and husbands home and took off for Mesquite, Nevada to visit some family. We have a grandmother whom we ADORE that was just placed in an assisted living home there, so we thought we would go check out her new digs.

To our surprise it was a NICE place and she LOVES it there....I don't EVER recall Grandma flirting with anyone (She has been a widow for about 30 years) but she turned me red going on with her rather handsome physical therapist! "You GO Grandma"!
Where would we be without our family?
Posted by Lisa at 1:21 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 5, 2007
The Lord works in mysterious ways...
A couple of months ago Scott and Connor went to do the grocery shopping at Wal-mart. After shopping Scott loaded Connor in his car seat and secured the bags in the back of the car. When taking the cart to the cart parking place (what a good man) he noticed a purse in one of the carts. Thinking to himself how suspicious he would look carrying a purse he picked it up and held it out for the world to see that he was NOT stealing it. Just as he was contemplating his dilemma...unloading a cranky, tired 4 year old and going back into the store...an older couple parked next to him. Scott, being a great judge of character, asked the couple if they would please turn the purse in to customer service and with that he left feeling good about doing the right thing.
On February first there was a letter to the editor it read:
When I got home from shopping at Wal-Mart, I discovered I had left my purse in the shopping cart in the parking lot. Although I started praying non-stop, I still slipped into a panic mode.
When I called the store, I really didn't think I had any chance of seeing it again, and I started to make mental notes of all the phone calls I had to make.
And then, that precious voice finally came back on line and said: "Yes, we have it and it is locked securely in our safe!". Some honest and caring person had spotted it and taken it in to the store.
I thank this obviously well-raised, conscientious and honest person from the bottom of my heart. You are a credit to this age and I will be praying special blessings for you.
Clareen A. Barrett
Prescott Valley
When Scott read this he had a strong feeling he had to find the woman and tell her the comical story of her purse...if indeed this was the same purse. He found himself googling the woman's name and found her not hard to find as she is a local artist. He wrote and mailed her letter on Feb. 1st.
The night of Sunday, Feb. 4th I was not feeling very well and could not sleep so I was on the Internet at apx. midnight until 1:30am looking for a picture of Jesus with little children I could hang in Connor's room.......You will NEVER guess what happened the next day!!
Scott was outside waiting for Connor's bus when a woman pulled up in our drive...Scott waved because he thought it was my visiting teacher from church. When he realized it wasn't Sherry he walked to her car. The woman got out and introduced herself as Clareen Barrett!! She said she was in no financial situation to give Scott the reward he so deserved but said that she was awoken at 1am with a strong feeling that she needed to paint a picture of Christ with little children and give it to Scott for his son. When Scott brought the painting in and told me what she said I broke down and wept for I recognized then at that very moment when we are in tune with the spirit he truly CAN work through us to bless others!
Posted by Lisa at 8:34 PM 2 comments